Let0s share how Industry 4.0 is going to restructure the value chain.
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Digitalization of the horizontal and vertical value chain
Innovation in values and services
Creation of new business models
Eliminating unplanned down time in the factory
Ensuring not starting work on the production floor, that can’t be finished with the materials, labour and machines that are on hand
Tripling the leverage that one gets from costly support labour and specialized technology talent
Changing the dynamics of channel, including the new sources of revenue, enabling the products to sell services
Growing data business as big as the company’s product business
Using customer and channel connectivity to achieve unprecedented levels of customer service
Industry 4.0 will change the basis of competition
Alter how manufacturers win customers
Shake up the structure of the manufacturing industry
Paliahoshka Yury
Digital transformation is a radical change. It changes everything — how products are designed, manufactured, sold, delivered and maintained.
The Industry 4.0 is really causing a complete transformation in the value chain. And 4 new types of business models are prevailing. They are: Plattforms , as-a-service , IPR (intelectual Property Rights) and Data-Driven. This point will entail new ways to thinking and leading the organizations.