Looking for relation and influence of agility on Industry 4.0.
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Post implementation of Industry 4.0, the benefits would include:
Improved Customer Experience
Improved Customer Satisfaction
Improved Productivity
Minor lot sizes can be produced
Same assembly line can be used to produce varied types of goods with different configurations
Seamless integration of vendors, company, and customers in supply chain
Use of real-time information using analytics, for quicker decision-making
Improved profit
Agile response system in production, supply chain, and early quality check
Agile response system for customer support and service
Agile mode of decision-making using analytics
Agile customer feedback and remedy
Graham Burnikell
The theory is that a company with a fully integrated Industry 4.0 infrastructure has the organisational networks in place linking in suppliers of raw materials and linking out of finished goods to end user customers.
The infrastructure communication chain works both ways so that interactions with customers allows continuous product development which is expedited by supply of only those raw materials necessary to complete the required task. The whole process reduces the need to carry extensive stock, reduces the iterations on the development cycle, reduces the communications and supply chain rigours that are a time and cost hindrance to modern business. The process of moving to Industry 4.0 therefore creates an agile process that can quickly adapt to changes in the market place and better serve the end customer need in a more timely manner than is currently possible.
Agility, as in the ability to react, understand and change quickly, will be even more important in the implementation of Industry 4.0. Computers and software are changing at an alarming rate and it will be necessary to be able to keep pace and adapt quickly.