What is the highest impact the field of Data Science have create since last 2 years?
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A simple illustration of the fact that we are in the age of big data, is that a Google search with either big data or Star Wars gives approximately 400 million results for both. As more people and business connect to internet and generated data gets stored, with an annual 4,300 percent increase in data production according to Forbes, a big data explosion is inevitable. By, 2020 Forbes predicts 30 billion devices will be connected to internet, resulting in 40 zettabytes of data. To compare: this was only 10 zettabytes of data in 2015. In parallel, experts expect that that the market value for big data utilization with predictive analytics or data science to grow from 130.1 billion dollars in 2016 to more than 203 billion dollars in 2020.
Big data and data science will impact healthcare, economy, politics, lifestyle and more. This article discusses the top 10 data science breakthroughs that have already unfolded in 2017 and yet its only the tip of the iceberg!
Hello, for me the greatest impact is the shortest time of neural networks to learn. This has optimized the processes and that the technology advances very fast.
AutoKeras – which automates machine learning. It chooses the best architecture by analyzing the data – through a technology called Neural Architecture Search (NAS), tries out various models and gives you the best possible hyperparameters for your scenario automatically. This means an ordinary person, not necessarily PhD holders or research scientists, can also use ML for their projects.