Let’s share what are the core differences between direct and indirect monetization.
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Direct monetization is a result of selling the core products and/or services.
Indirect monetization is a result of utilizing the inputs received by selling the core products and/or services, and selling value-added services.
Andrei Shulha
For direct data monetization, one of the data collection methods is the primary product. Google is the most prominent example. Another way to get data for direct monetization is crowdsourcing.
Indirect monetization refers to the use of data, for example, to identify and identify specific needs and characteristics of customers.
Dinesh Rout
Direct strategy involve creating new sources of revenue with outside partners , where as An indirect strategy may involve using data to improve customer experience, drive cross-selling, or improve performance .
For Direct monetization of data, one method of collecting Data is through a Primary Product. for example Google Search Engine. , Crowd sourcing …
Indirect monetization refers to the use of this insight to , for example identify & target specific customer needs & characteristics. Information on the customer allows to modify and offer tailoring products or service to customers .