What do you mean by bounded context?
Discy Latest Questions
Where do we use webmvc test annotation?
What are common mistakes made while transitioning to Microservices?
What Are Some Major Roadblocks for Microservices Testing?
What Are the Ways to Access RESTful Microservices?
Let’s share why Do We Need Containers for Microservices.
Let’s share why Would You Opt for Microservices Architecture
Is it recommended to use Microserices for On-premises or we have to use cloud to get Microservices benefits?
Can anyone provide reference website or github repro for sample Microservices project in.NET Core
I am new in Microservices architecture and we want to implement in our one of monolithic application into multiple Microservices. We want to have single user interface for all the microservices. Is there any best practices in Microservies to integrate UI.